Friday, January 17, 2014

An Angel At My Door...

Today an Angel came to my door and her name is Jan Kopec. It's been 20 years since I have seen her and through the years we lost track. After Jay's passing she found me on Facebook; she continuously sends me messages of encouragement and has become my cheerleader. This beautiful memory box with the lighted gilded frame - adorned with the blue tail dragonfly Jan made for me with so much love. I am touched beyond words; for this gesture is salve for a grieving mothers heart. Thank you Jan I will treasure this "memento" always. Xxoo


From Jan - “ You're was my pleasure without a doubt. Thank You, for being an inspiration to me 20 years ago. It's helped me become the person I am today. You will always be someone I admire. In some way, even if just a little bit, I wanted to help heal your heart. :o)